March 27.
March 27.
March 26.
March 25.
Saxophone soul
on the sidewalk
diamond of the dark –
Alley bowery
on the Subway
Home –
yes, Jack
inhale and Sing!
March 24.
March 23.
March 13.
Day 25, January 25
A note, under a rock in the snow, on the large monument. I opened it up and photographed it on the smaller grave stone. I replaced it in its original position.
You may have been
swallowed by time but
Your life lives on
in many. I hope you’ve
found Peace, some
semblence of solitude
atop a mountain that
you’d never consider
having to come down
from. You Suffered and
lived beautifully and all
of the angels and humanity
are better off for it.
You’ve earned Your rest
Bhodisatveah of the
Dharma Buns, now rest.
Your words are imortal,
like You.
See you soon,